The Department of Chemistry at UOB Uploads Its Practical Courses Electronically

The Department of
Chemistry at UOB Uploads Its Practical Courses Electronically

29 April 2020

The Head of the Chemistry
Department at the College of Science at the University of Bahrain (UOB), Dr.
Layla Mohammed Al-Shaqri stated that “The Department has been engaged in
filming practical courses and the practical part of theoretical courses for
different levels of study, during the period of electronic teaching, in
addition to filming more than 40 practical experiments to be presented to
students during remote learning. “

Dr. Al-Shaqri indicated that the
courses included in filming for the first, second and third academic years are:
General Chemistry Chemy 101,102,106, Analytical Chemistry Chemy 211,312,310,
Organic Chemistry Chemy 221,223,220,322, Physical Chemistry Chemy 231,332, and
Inorganic Chemistry Chemy 241,342.

She added, “Filming included
the practical part of the courses offered for students of the College of Health
and Sports Sciences as well, namely CGS218 and PHAM 328.”

It is worth noting that the
E-Learning Center at UOB has documented 39 laboratory experiments that are
distributed over 15 chemistry courses at the University’s College of Science,
and 7 of the Department’s professors participated in presenting these
experiments, while 3 specialists from the E-Learning Center filmed and
documented the laboratory experiments in not more than 3 days.

The filming process was carried
out in the laboratories of the College of Science at the University’s campus in
Sakhir, during the largest possible number of laboratories were used for the
success of the experiment, in addition to the latest photographic equipment
available in the e-Learning Center to achieve high quality in the filming
process. Also, the documentation process was characterized by flowability and
speed due to the cooperation between the Center and the College of Science, as
good coordination and pre-preparation of experiments had a great impact on
completing the largest number of experiments possible in record time.

Bearing in mind that the
e-Learning Center is making great efforts to ensure the continuity of the
distance learning process as required and by using all the capabilities and
expertise available in the Center, and to prevent the educational process from
being affected by the exceptional circumstances that the Kingdom and the world
are going through.

Sustainable Development Goals

4 Quality education

Key words

The Department of Chemistry at the College of Science at the
University of Bahrain, filming practical courses, the E-Learning Center at the
University of Bahrain, the laboratories of the College of Science,

By |2020-04-29T00:00:00+00:00April 29, 2020|e-learning center|0 Comments

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