UOB Holds an Electronic Forum About the Solar Eclipse Tomorrow

UOB Holds an
Electronic Forum About the Solar Eclipse Tomorrow

In cooperation with the Bahrain Astronomical Society, the
University of Bahrain (UOB), is holding an electronic forum on the solar
eclipse that is expected to happen next Sunday, June 21st, under the
patronage of the University’s president Dr. Riyad Yousif Hamzah on Thursday (18
June 2020).

The forum shall begin with a welcoming speech by the Dean of
the College of Science at UOB  Dr.
Moahmed Mustafa Al-Helo, followed by a participation from the former Dean of
the College of Science at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dr.
Ali Al-Shukry, and it shall be delivered by the Assistant Professor of Physics
at UOB, Dr. Khalil Ebrahim Jassim under the title: “How Do Total and
Annular Eclipses Happen?”

Professor of Applied Physics and former Dean of the College
of Science at UOB Dr. Shawqi Mohammed Al-Dalal shall be participating with a
paper entitled: “Solar Probes and Early Monitoring of Solar Activity”.
Meanwhile, the Director of the International Astronomy Center in the Emirate of
Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates, Eng. Mohamed Odeh, is participating
with a paper entitled: “Solar Activity and Scientific Benefits from
Eclipses.” which is followed by a paper entitled: “Global Myths and
Legends About Lunar and Solar Eclipses” presented by Associate Professor
of Astrophysics at the Department of Physics at UOB, Dr. Waleed Jameel Azzam.

Also, the Dean of the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies
at the University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates, Professor Awad
Al-Khalaf, shall discuss the two phenomena of solar and lunar eclipse in the
context of the Holy Quran, while Professor Hassan Hamid Al-Arrayed from
Al-Arrayed Eye Center in the Kingdom of Bahrain will address the health damage
resulting from looking at the sun during the eclipse phenomenon.

Also, professor of Applied Physics at UOB and President of
the Bahrain Astronomical Society, Dr. Waheeb Issa Al-Nasser, shall talk about
the upcoming eclipse phenomenon, while the owner of the Saturn Astronomical
Observatory, a member of the Bahrain Astronomical Society, Ali Namdar, shall
explain how to observe and photograph the eclipse phenomenon.

It’s worth noting that UOB is interested in tracking
astronomical phenomena, the last of which being the solar eclipse last January,
as an event was held with a large number of people interested in astronomical
phenomena participating, during which special glasses were distributed to
observe the eclipse, and the public was allowed to track the phenomenon through
special telescopes. Also, the university is keen to organize awareness-raising
lectures on the correct and safe methods of tracking the natural phenomenas of
solar and lunar eclipses.

By |2020-06-17T00:00:00+00:00June 17, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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