The Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences Makes Progress in A Global Database

The Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, issued by
the College of Science at the University of Bahrain (UOB), has made progress in
evaluating the global database (Scopus).

On this occasion, the President of UOB, Dr. Riyadh Yousif
Hamzah, congratulated the editors of the Journal for their great scientific
efforts in making this Journal an integral part of the production of scientific
knowledge at UOB in particular, and in the Arab region and the world in
general. He further stated that “This Journal is rich in scientific
competencies, and it managed to attract many Arab scholars, researchers and
referees who have enriched this Journal,” affirming that the Journal is
now considered to be one of the most prestigious international journals.

The Journal is published by UOB through the international
publishing house, which reached a scale of (3.8) in the global database
(Scopus) for the year 2019, achieving a scale double what it was a year ago,
which reflects the Journal’s high reputation, as the average citation for
published research hit an average of  4
times per research.

Also, the SJR scale of the Scimago database for ranking
scientific journals showed that the Journal’s evaluation for the past year of
2019 reached (0.46), and such ranking represents a benchmark for the scientific
impact of scientific journals that represent the number of citations that the
Journal receives compared to other journals.

For his part, the Dean of the College of Science at UOB and
Chief Editor of the Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences Prof. Dr.
Mohammed Mustafa Al-Hilo stated that “The Journal’s advancement is pushed by
the excellence of the global editorial board making the Journal, and by the
transfer of the Journal’s publication to the open annual issue system, through
which approved research show for immediate publication in the issue upon
completion of its preparation on the global Scopus database without any delay,
allowing researchers around the world to view the Journal’s research and cite
it as soon as it’s published.

Moreover, Dr. Al-Hilo indicated that the Journal published
special editions that keep pace with the global trend of scientific research,
announcing that the field for publication in two special editions of the
Journal is open, the first being on (Covid-19) research and analysis, and the
second being on the determinants and countermeasure for fatigue in health and
neuromuscular diseases.

Furthermore, the Vice President for Academic Programs and
Graduate Studies, and the Journal’s chief editor, Dr. Waheeb Essa Al-Naser,
stated that the Journal has achieved Remarkable progress after it moved to the
current publishing house, Taylor and Francis.

As the journal was previously known as “The Journal of
the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied Sciences”,
which was founded by Dr. Al-Naser in 2001, when the Association of Colleges of
Science in the Association of Arab Universities made the College of Science at
UOB its headquarters, while the zero issue of the Journal was published in

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Key Words

Scopus Global Database, Arab Journal of Basic and Applied
Sciences, College of Science, University of Bahrain, Scientific Knowledge
Production, Scopus Global Database, Neuromuscular Diseases, Covid-19

By |2020-07-08T00:00:00+00:00July 8, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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