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Dr. Kheireddine El-Boubbou

Associate Professor

Dr. El-Boubbou received his M.Sc. in Chemistry from American University of Beirut in 2005, and Ph.D. from Michigan State University (USA) in 2010. Thereafter, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vermont (USA). In 2013, he joined KSAU-HS as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry, and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2017. Dr. El-Boubbou authored many peer-reviewed research papers published in high-impact journals with ~ 2000 citations, several book chapters, and hold two patents. He was elected as the recipient of several awards including pre-doctoral AHA fellowship and AICCS Young Investigator Award, to name few. He also received several best paper and presentation awards in national and international conferences. Dr. El-Boubbou serves as member, referee, and reviewer for many international renowned scientific journals. His research focuses on the design of functional magnetic nanomaterials utilized for various biological, catalysis, sensing, bioremediation, and biomedical applications (i.e. detection, imaging, drug delivery, and theranostics).
