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Dr. Mohammad Aiyub

Assistant Professor

PhD in Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, India, 2000. Dr. Mohammad Aiyub is working as an assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics College of Science in the University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain. He has worked as Assistant Professor through United Nations Development Programs in Alemaya University Ethiopia since October 2002 to June 2006. Then he joined the Bahrain University on September 1, 2006. He taught so many courses of Mathematics of 100 level, 200 level and 300 level. He also worked in many departmental committees. His research interest is Matrix Transformations and sequence spaces. He has 25 published papers in national and International Journals. He has also reviewed so many research papers for the national and international journals. He is a member of Editorial Board of International Journal of Applied & Experimental Mathematics.
