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Dr. Mohammed Larbi Labbi

Associate Professor

PhD in Mathematics from Montpellier II University, France, 1995. Dr. Mohammed Labbi areas of expertise are positivity of curvature and its interactions with topology, variational problems arising from geometry, geometry of tubes, double forms and curvature structures, Gauss-Bonnet curvatures. He is an assistant Professor at the department of mathematics since1996. He got the habilitation degree (equivalent to a DSc) from Montpellier university in France in 2007. He was a visiting researcher at ICTP, Trieste, Italy (1995-1996) and a visiting researcher at Max Planck institute of Mathematics in Bonn, Germany in the summer of 2012. Dr. Labbi has more than 20 published papers in reputed international journals and he was invited speaker in several international conferences. He is a referee for the math reviews of the American Mathematical Society (AMS).
