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Prof. Ashwini Kumar Sinha


I am currently working as a full-time Professor at University of Bahrain (UoB) in the Department of Physics, College of Science. My specialization is Space plasma Physics and I work in the allied field of geomagnetism, viz., Space weather, Sun-Earth relationship. I joined UoB on 15thJanuary, 20022. Earlier, I had been working as a full-time Professor at Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Navi Mumbai, which is affiliated to University of Mumbai in India. There I was heading twelve geomagnetic observatories and two Indian Antarctic stations. I have successfully guided two students for their Ph.D. degree and have more than 60 research papers in high impact journal to my credit. I have organized (convened and chaired) five international conferences and presented research articles in numerous national and international conferences. I have received honors and awards on various occasions including highly prestigious PPARC post-doctoral fellowship from University of Leicester, United Kingdom, Certificate of Excellence in space science from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Honorary member of Research and Recommendation Committee(RRC), Physics of University of Mumbai, Fellow of Indian Geophysical Union and best paper awards twice in the National Space Science Symposium (NSSS) organized by Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), India. I have successfully handled in-house as well as externally funded projects sponsored by DST, India and am involved in various bilateral/ multilateral international collaborations. I am in the reviewer's panels of several reputed international journals, such as Advances of Space Research, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Science), Annales Geophysical, Frontiers of Space Sciences etc.
