M.Sc. in Applied Physics

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The curriculum of the M.Sc. Program in Applied Physics is designed to give students potential skills in one of the offered streams in Applied Physics such as the Nanotechnology and Applied Condensed Matter, the Applied Photonics and the Applied Environmental Physics. The program involves various educating methods learning skills including lectures, laboratory work, self-study, projects, and Master’s research thesis. The student must study 4 core courses (total of 12 credits) and 6 elective courses (total of 18 credits). In addition, the student must complete a research project leading to a thesis (total of 6 credits). Accordingly, the total required credits for the master Program in Applied Physics is 36 credits.
Enrolment Information:
Fulfill the University requirements for admission to postgraduate studies.
Hold a B.Sc. degree in physics or a related field (full time study) with a minimum GPA of 2.67 out of 4.00 based on the grade point system, or equivalent.
Pass and interview.
Provide at least two academic recommendation letters.


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  1. To provide students with advanced knowledge in core physics subjects and prepare them to pursue higher studies leading to a Ph.D. degree in physics.
  2. To equip students with the appropriate skills in experimental and numerical methods that will enable them to solve advanced problems in applied physics.
  3. To pursue a successful career in an Applied Physics related field.


a) Demonstrate a broad knowledge in the fundamental areas of Applied Physics and advanced theoretical knowledge and experimental training in a sub-discipline.
b) Identify, analyze, and solve advanced physics problems.
c) Demonstrate the ability to successfully complete a research project that advances an area of experimental physics, computational physics, or theoretical modeling.
d) Show an ability to formulate or design a system, process, or program to meet desired needs in Applied Physics.
e) Tackle contemporary issues in one of the fields of Applied Physics.
f) Discuss advanced physics issues and relate research results to contemporary international research.
g) Communicate effectively (both written and orally) with a broad audience, across a range of professional and personal contexts.
h) Function effectively both as a leader and as a member of a team to achieve a goal.
i) Exhibit an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern scientific and technical tools necessary for professional practice.
j) Acquire an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
k) Possess the ability to engage in life-long learning.