M.Sc. in Big Data Science and Analytics

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The M.Sc. in Big Data Science and Analytics (BDSA) has been launched in 2018 by the University of Bahrain (UOB) under the administration of College of Science and College of Information Technology.

It is worth mentioning that the program was validated by Liverpool John Moores University in the United Kingdom which is among the top 600 universities around the world.

This validation extended over the academic years from 2019/2020 to 2021/2022, and now the program is offered and administered by the University of Bahrain only.  The first and second cohorts successfully graduated from the program after 1.5 years which is a notable achievement, while the third cohort of the master students is currently working on their thesis proposal after successful completion of the six taught courses.

The M.Sc. in BDSA aims at providing society with highly qualified graduates who can cope with the data revolution. This is a rapidly growing field that needs practitioners who have the ability to use scientific principles and techniques to handle the complexity and diversity of large scale data streamed from different applications, so called big data, effectively and efficiently to extract valuable information. The M.Sc. in BDSA has a unique interdisciplinary structure that relies on the integration of statistical and mathematical methods with the advances in computer science and information technology.

The M.Sc. in BDSA is designed to equip students with a comprehensive subject knowledge that is complemented with practical sessions using advanced statistical tools, specialist software, and computing technologies to address the wide spectrum of big data real-world applications. Moreover, the program emphasizes several skills that are highly valued by potential employers, such as critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills. In addition, the students need to submit a substantial work (thesis) to solve a real-world problem in the context of big data to demonstrate their ability to work independently and to appreciate the knowledge and skills gained during their study.

M.Sc. in Big Data Science and Analytics Booklet

M.Sc. in Big Data Science and Analytics Booklet

PDF, 5.3 MB , 2 Pages


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The master program in Big Data Science and Analytics will prepare students to:

  1. Work successfully as big data scientists or analysts in a variety of related career fields.
  2. Pursue research activities in several related areas involving big data science and analytics.
  3. Pursue professional development to be recognized as professional big data scientists or analysts.
  4. Enhance society’s development through the effective use of the knowledge and skills specific to big data science and analytics.


Upon successful completion of the master program, the graduates should be able to:

a) Demonstrate broad and deep knowledge of the concepts, terminologies, techniques in the context of big data science and analytics.
b) Identify and formulate practical problems in a variety of big data applications.
c) Design and conduct effective data-driven experiments in a variety of professions to meet specific needs within the available resources and the existing constraints.
d) Use advanced statistical tools, specialist software and computing technology effectively for big data acquisition, quality evaluation, management and manipulation that involves storing, cleaning, exploring, visualizing, and analyzing big data.
e) Provide a critical evaluation of the existing techniques in terms of applicability, effectiveness and efficiency and develop creative techniques to handle big data issues.
f) Extract valuable information from structured and unstructured big data and transform this information into actionable decisions.
g) Communicate important information in relation to big data appropriately to suit the target audience.
h) Demonstrate the ability to work individually and collaboratively to handle the complexity and diversity of big data problems.
i) Demonstrate awareness of ethics, responsibility and consequences in relation to collecting and using big data.
j) Conduct scientific research in relation to big data in order to handle challenging real situations.
k) Pursue life-long learning through continuous professional development in the field of big data science and analytics.