Renewable Energy Laboratories

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The laboratories were established to be a reference for the Kingdom of Bahrain in the field of renewable energy, focusing on bioenergy, solar energy, and wind energy.


  1. Enhance capabilities and build research and innovation experts in the field of sustainable energy and water technologies.
  2. Thorough study on the local energy network, in terms of its capacity and readiness to connect the network to renewable energy and identify all opportunities to diversify energy sources available to Bahrain.
  3. Provide directions and technical consultations regarding the quality design of fully integrated and climate friendly energy and water networks in Bahrain and the region.
  4. Raise confidence in solar, wind and biomass as viable alternatives to oil and gas.

Help establish Bahrain as an exemplar low-carbon sustainable economy.


Solar PV Testing Lab

  1. Test Solar panels and provides clients with a comprehensive performance report, as shown in the attachment.
  2. Provide researchers and organizations with data on solar radiation intensity and weather data in Bahrain.
  3. Facilitate a high quality solar energy research platform.
  4. Organize workshops and training courses on installing and running renewable energy systems.


The Biomass Lab

  1. Test AD bacteria tolerance of the different waste provided by private and local organizations.
  2. Provide Waste composition for private and local organizations.
  3. Facilitate Biomass research for M.Sc and PhD students


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Director’s Office

Dr. Hanan Albuflasa            Tel: 17437455           E-mail: