B.Sc. in Actuarial Science

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The Bachelor of Science degree in actuarial science consists of 128 credit hours distributed between courses in actuarial science, mathematics and statistics as well as courses in economics, accounting and finance. In addition, by the end of the third year, students are expected to enroll in an internship course which will allow them to work in an insurance company two months during the summer. This will expose them to the field work in the context of actuarial science.

The program provides the student with the necessary background coursework for a career as actuary. The program is an interdisciplinary program where students take courses from different disciplines such as mathematics, statistics, finance, economics, insurance, accounting, and computer science.

The program is designed to be aligned with level 8 in the National Qualification Framework in the kingdom of Bahrain

B.Sc. in Actuarial Science Brochure 2023

PDF, 1.8 MB , 2 Pages

About the Program:




  1. Work successfully as an actuary in a variety of career fields such as investment institutions, insurance companies (Conventional or Takaful), pension funds, healthcare funds, population monitoring agencies, marketing organizations, and government agencies.
  2. Pursue graduate studies in actuarial-science related fields.
  3. Pass the professional exams provided by the Society of Actuaries.
  4. Use knowledge and skills of actuarial science effectively to enhance the society development.


a) Demonstrate knowledge of various fields related to actuarial science such as mathematics, statistics, economics, finance and accounting.
b) Formulate practical problems in actuarial terms and design an appropriate actuarial model to its solution.
c) Apply critical thinking to make decisions in situations involving risk and uncertainty.
d) Demonstrate ability to conduct quantitative risk analysis to identify consequences of an event in actuarial profession.
e) Use software packages and information technologies to solve practical problems in actuarial profession.
f) Demonstrate ability to work independently and collaboratively.
g) Communicate effectively (orally and written) in practice to convey actuarial ideas.
h) Understand ethics, responsibility, legal and social issues within professional practice.
i) Conduct an actuarial science related research to track recent developments.
j) Pursue long-life learning through continuous professional development.