B.Sc. in Statistics and Data Science

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Our programs are designed to provide students with mathematical and statistical knowledge and skills, to developing critical and logical thinking that enable them to pursue graduate degrees and to take up careers that will require skills needed in industry or academia.

The aim of our program is to achieve the highest standards of excellence in all aspects of teaching and learning, research and community engagement in order to be recognized regionally and internationally.

The program is designed to be aligned with level 8 in the National Qualification Framework in the kingdom of Bahrain

B.Sc. in Statistics and Data Science Brochure 2023

PDF, 1.8 MB , 2 Pages


Offered by the Department of Mathematics since Sept 2021, the new bachelor’s degree in statistics and data science at UoB is designed to give graduates the interdisciplinary skills that employers need. The program integrates statistics, mathematics, computer science, and data science to produce graduates with the skills needed to evaluate and interpret data. Graduates will develop enhanced skills in problem solving, critical thinking and communication that will carry them through an interesting and flexible career in a range of industries and organizations.

The bachelor of science degree in statistics consists of 128 credit hours distributed among courses from various fields starting with lower undergraduate courses such as calculus, linear algebra, computer science, probability, statistical methods, programming languages (R and Python) into upper undergraduate specialized courses such as regression analysis, time series, multivariate analysis, data mining, machine learning, big data technologies, database management systems.

In addition, by the end of the third year, students are expected to undergo a summer internship for two months that provides the students with real experience in a professional statistics related working environment outside the usual curriculum. By the end of the fourth year, students must take the senior project course supervised by a faculty member and must submit a written report and make an oral presentation.

What can you do with a Statistics and Data science degree?

Here is a sample list of statistics and data science job titles you can pursue with a degree in statistics and data science degree (with impressive salary!)

    • Data Scientists
    • Statistician
    • Business Analyst
    • Data Visualization Developer
    • Data Mining Analyst
    • Machine Learning Engineer
    • Big Data Solution Architect



  1. Work successfully as statistician and data scientist to address problems of data-related careers.
  2. Engage in research activities, graduate and professional studies in data-related domains.
  3. Enhance society development through effective use of data-based knowledge and skills.


Upon successful completion of the bachelor degree in statistics and data science, the graduates will be able to graduation, an UOB graduate in mathematics should be able to:

a) Demonstrate knowledge of mathematics and basic sciences underlying statistical and computational methods.
b) Operate effectively with multiple-source and multiple format data for all stages of the data science process.
c) Formulate a problem of interest by statistical model taking into consideration the underlying assumptions.
d) Validate problem-specific model using statistical or machine learning methods to draw data-driven decisions.
e) Perform computational tasks that can be executed with professional programming software and appropriate problem-solving algorithms.
f) Communicate effectively through written reports or oral presentations.
g) Engage with research and lifelong learning activities in the field of statistics and data science.