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الدكتور عزت خان

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Inorganic/Organometallic Chemistry PhD University of Bayreuth, Germany, 2009 Ezzat Khan joined the research group of Prof. Dr. Bernd Wrackmeyer (late), University of Bayreuth, Germany as a PhD scholar in Oct 2005, and he finished as Dr. rer. nat. in Jan 2009. In April 2009 he joined the University of Malakand, Pakistan, as Assistant Professor and was promoted to the rank of Professor on January 10, 2020. Currently he is working as Associate Professor (since Oct. 2020) in the Department of Chemistry. His research interest mainly focuses on Inorganic/coordination and Environmental Chemistry. He has published 85 Scopus indexed research articles and two book chapters with total citations of 5875. He has Scopus based h-index 21, he is actively involved in supervising students at graduate, master’s and PhD degree level. To date, he has supervised several PhD and master students. Besides academic activities at the University level he is guest editor of two special issues in reputed Journals, crystals and sustainability. He serves the scientific community as reviewer for several high ranked journals (Coordination Chemistry Reviews, STOTEN, Chemosphere, Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, molecules, inorganics, etc). He is editorial board member of some research journals and recipient of 5 national research awards for his contribution in the field of his specialization. He has the honor to receives his name among top 2% cited researcher consecutively in the years 2022 and 2023. His research profile can be viewed through Scopus ID: 15765125100, ORCID: 0000-0001-7849-6083.
