B.Sc. in Biology

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B.Sc. Single Track Program in Biology: The Department of Biology offers programs and courses leading to B.Sc. degree in Biology.

B.Sc. Major Biology/Minor: The Department offers minors in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Statistics, Mathematics, Physics, and Astronomy for all college specializations. In addition, the programs are characterized by their flexible nature for giving the opportunity to the major students to select specialized courses from a variety of free elective courses in the programs as job placement courses and concentrations which will contribute for future job opportunity.

Our programs are achieving national and international standards. It got the full confidence from Education and Training Quality Authority-Bahrain (BQA) in 2017. Moreover, the qualifications level was classified by National qualifications frameworks (NQFs) in 2018 to be level 8. The BSc in Biology programs were accredited by the Global Leader in Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ASIIN) for the period between 2019 to 2024.

· NQF Level 8




  1. Enter the marketplace successfully and secure employment in the fields of life/ biological sciences, environment and health.
  2. Join and compete successfully graduate level studies or professional school programs (medical school).
  3. Utilize ethically and positively their learned knowledge and skills to serve their community and contribute to its advancement in the relevant field.


a) Comprehend a broad spectrum of knowledge in the major fields of science.
b) Recognize the relationship between structure and function at the molecular, cellular and organismal level.
c) Apply biological knowledge and techniques in the fields of biology.
d) Communicate concepts in biology through the proper use of the vocabulary of the discipline.
e) Analyze and/or Evaluate issues pertaining to biological sciences.
f) Integrate IT skills, humanities, and social studies throughout biology program.
g) Work independently and as a member of a team.
h) Integrate ethics and self-development skills throughout the educational and professional life.
i) Plan and execute a project based on a scientific method.